Decor board 1

Since discovering Pinterest, I have been creating a mountain of boards and pinning like mad. If you haven't come across it, Pinterest is an online pinboard that allows you to create boards and pin images from sites that you like. You end up with a fun and creative collage of images and also allow other Pinterest users to re-pin and follow you. The best thing about Pinterest is that every image you pin is automatically linked back to the source so you have a visual reference to the blog or any other sites you are pinning from.

My number one passion is Scandinavian design and decor so this first board I am posting is just that. (oh my god it's not Chanel?) I love the simple clean lines and the almost monochromatic colour palettes with a splash of colour. If you want to check out my boards, just click on the red button below. Simple! Happy pinning!

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