Tea Party!

Yay a tea party for me!
My sweet D threw me a most Scrumpdillyicious birthday party filled with cupcakes, sandwiches, scones, raspberry lammingtons, Adriano Zumbo macaron tower and a teapot cake! I really have to thank all my family and friends that came and made the day so special, and sorry if you went home with a tooth ache from all the delicious treats!

Special thanks go to my mum, dad and brother (who is an amazing masterchef in his right) and my baker-neighbour Carol who baked not only the too-cute-to-cut teapot cake but also the cupcakes, tea party biscuits and cookies! Oh and how can I forget D who shares the same birthday as me but spoilt me anyway.

I have loads of posts to catch up on, I just need to get over my writer's block!
Next post: Chanel Chanel!

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